Creative Curriculum
LCDC offers many opportunities for social interaction and seeks a proper balance between responsibility, freedom, conformity, and individuality in a setting that is conducive to establishing a positive self-image.
The staff plan, write, and implement developmentally appropriate lesson plans on a weekly basis to provide children a planned learning environment that develops and nurtures developmental skills. A daily classroom schedule is posted for parents and visitors to view. Weekly lesson plans of developmentally appropriate activities are posted.
Observation of children will be an ongoing process by teachers. Assessments/Checklists of developmental skills will be maintained for each child. These documents will be a basis of communication for parent/teacher conferences to better inform parents of their child’s progress. Child assessments will enable teachers to plan activities that will aid in the child’s development and to inform parents of any concerns in development.
Free Play takes place at various times during the day. The child may participate in any activity he or she desires from the learning areas in the room. Example: Block Center, Dramatic Play, Manipulative Center, Science Center, Art Center, Book Center, and Writing Center. The process is more important than the finished product. The children begin social interaction, problem- solving, and cooperative play. Tasks of varying degrees of difficulty and length of time involved develop as the year progresses.
Circle and Group Times are opportunities for children to develop understanding about themselves as individuals and as members of a group. They enjoy language together through familiar songs, favorite finger plays, and a wide variety of activities. Children gain self- confidence, feelings of personal worth, and group spirit. Circle time is the “most structured” part of the program. We discuss individual experiences, the date, weather, holidays and any pertinent events that may take place. Large and small group times provide limited ‘teacher directed’ activities and allow the children to participate as a member of a group. Lab/Clinical students also plan and implement teacher directed activities as part of their coursework in the Early Childhood Education classes at the college.
Art activities are experiences and opportunities to stimulate the child’s creativity, increase attention span and offer children the opportunities they need to think things through and express their own ideas through a variety of mediums. Art experiences also help children develop fine motor skills needed in reading and writing.
The Block Center provides opportunities that develop a child’s perception of depth, size, and height. The child learns about mathematical relationships and has experiences in problem-solving.
Dramatic Play allows children to act out and repeat words and actions of others. It helps the child to develop conversational skills and to better understand the feelings, roles and work of others. It allows a “hands-on” approach to develop creativity and to act out emotional/troubling situations in an acceptable manner.
Outside Play activities promote large muscle development, social interaction with other children and adults and organized play. It provides a healthy release for energy and gives children a firsthand experience in exploring the world in which we live.
Children will play outside everyday, weather permitting for an opportunity to get fresh air at least five minutes. Please dress your child accordingly. Send hats, mittens, etc. for winter, and dress your child lightly for summer. Every child in attendance should be able to participate in the daily routine. Children should have sunscreen applied to all exposed areas before they arrive in the morning.
Music is an ongoing component of the curriculum. The children are introduced to a complete range of musical experiences including action songs, seasonal songs, classical music, as well as creative movement and rhythm instruments throughout the daily routine. Our four-year-old children will have an opportunity to participate in Orff lessons. The Orff approach combines music, speech, movement, and drama into music lessons.
The Science Center allows children the opportunity to explore the natural world by using any or all of the five senses. It also allows for experiences that prompt questions, encourage experimentation and demonstrate a cause/effect relationship on people, animals, plants, and objects.
The Manipulative Center provides games, objects and materials which allow the child to take apart, put together, sort, stack, string together, etc. These experiences develop small motor skills, eye/hand coordination, sequencing and are a demonstration of order. These type skills are all prerequisites to pre-reading and pre-writing skills.
The Book Center or Library gives the child a special place to enjoy and interact with books. Books, pictures, magazines and other audiovisual materials provide meaningful “reading” experiences for the young child, promoting an interest in and love of books and reading.
Special Events include walks and excursions on and within All Saints Episcopal Church grounds. Special guests, such as faculty, community workers, and community volunteers, are invited to LCDC to share their knowledge with the children. Holidays are celebrated in the spirit of custom, tradition, and cultural exchange. Parents are encouraged to contribute and participate in those celebrations.
Meals/Snacks are a vital part of the curriculum and are designed with nutritional and social needs of children in mind. Children learn good nutritional habits, learn appropriate conversational skills, acceptable etiquette and gain experience in self-help skills.