COVID-19 Protocols
Daily Health Check
In the mornings, there will be a daily check of each child by the teachers. At any sign of illness, the parent will be notified to take the child home. Children will not be allowed to attend if they have any of the following symptoms:
1. Fever (until medical evaluation indicates inclusion): A fever of 100 degrees or higher, that is taken under the arm.
2. Behavior: (If a child looks or acts differently) awake all night and crying, unusually tired, excessive sleeping, persistent crying, pale, lack of appetite, irritable or restless.
3. Signs of illness without obvious localizing symptoms: complaint of pain and/or pain that interferes with normal activity.
4. Respiratory: Breathing difficulties, e.g., wheezing, severe coughing, drainage from ears, discolored nasal discharge with other symptoms, rapid/difficult breathing.
5. Vomiting: More than usual “spitting up”; two or more episodes of vomiting.
6. Diarrhea: Characterized by frequent watery or green colored bowel movements, which are not related to medications or reaction to food. Uncontrolled diarrhea, increased number of stools, increased stool water and/or decreased form that is not contained by the diaper or toilet use.
7. Rash: Undiagnosed rash other than mild diaper or heat rash. Rash with fever or behavior change unless a physician states that it is not a communicable disease.
8. Sore Throat: Sore throat that needs culturing because other signs are present.
9. Ringworm infection: excluded and cannot return until 24 hours after initial treatment.
During the day, at the first sign of illness, the parent will be notified to take the child home. The policies for exclusion focus on the needs and the behavior of the ill child. The decision to send a child home is based on many factors; fever is not the only indicator. Your positive support to these health standards will help us protect your child, other children, and the teachers at LCDC.
In the event the parent is unable to be reached, an alternate emergency number that is listed on the child’s information form will be called. It is very important that the staff always be provided with an updated parent contact number.
Alternate Plan for Childcare
It is also important that parents have an alternate plan for childcare for when their child becomes ill. An ill child should be picked up within the hour after a parent has been contacted.